
Local Florists

Since many family and friends of the deceased may be unfamiliar with our community, we put together a list of local florists. Check out what our area has to offer below.



Divine Designs
120 N. Main Street
West, Texas 76691
Phone: (254) 826-5545 or (877) 226-5545

Michelle's House of Flowers
109 E. Oak Street
West, Texas 76691
Phone: (254) 826-7000

Sage Blooms
103 E. Franklin Street
Hillsboro, Texas 76645
Phone: (254) 582-8141

Main Florist
215 E. Elm St.
Hillsboro, Texas 76645
Phone: (254) 582-2900
Email: main.florist@yahoo.com

Aderhold Funeral Home, Inc.
Phone: (254) 826-5321
808 S. Reagan St., P.O. Box 423, West, TX 76691

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