

We have provided resources to help you cope with your grief. Please reach out to us if you need additional resources or specialized help with moving forward from your loss.



What's Your Grief

Blogs, e-courses, webinars, and more — this site is full of resources to help families work through their grief journey and connect with others going through the same feelings.
> Launch Site


For those who have lost a loved one to suicide or who are prone to suicidal ideation, Lifeline offers a unique perspective on grief and how to work through those feelings.
> Launch Site


Sometimes talking about our loss with others going through similar situations is the best way to find support and healing. This forum provides a safe space for those discussions to take place.
> Launch Site

Personalized Grief Support

There are many different kinds of grief for many different kinds of loss. This list breaks down types of grief and loss and offers resource suggestions for specific circumstances.
> Launch Site


Area Grief Support Groups


Aderhold Funeral Home Grief Support
808 S. Reagan St.
West, Texas 76691
Phone: (254) 826-5321
Meets 3rd Thursday of each month 7pm at St. Joseph's Hall.

Bereavement Seminars (Hospice)
Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center
3000 Herring Ave.
Waco, Texas 76708
Phone: (254) 756-6911

Compassionate Friends
Central Texas Chapter meets at Grace Church
4610 Bosque Blvd.
Waco, Texas 76710
Contact James: (979) 219-6365
Meets 3rd Thursday of each month

Starry for Children/Family
Call for appointment (254) 399-6552
Free Family Counseling

Grief Share
First Methodist Church of Waco
4901 Cobbs Dr.
Waco, Texas 76710
Meets Mondays 6-8:00pm
Call Pat Mears (254) 772-5630

Grief Share
First Baptist Church of Woodway
101 Ritchie Rd.
Waco, TX 76712
Meets Wednesdays 6-8:00pm
Call Bob Harr (214) 797-3132

Grief Share
First Baptist Church of Whitney
1103 N Brazos St.
Whitney, TX 76692
Meets Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm
Call Jackie Bradley (254) 580-0925

Aderhold Funeral Home, Inc.
Phone: (254) 826-5321
808 S. Reagan St., P.O. Box 423, West, TX 76691

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